Silicon organic quaternary ammonium salt RX-SiN4 can be used in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA.) of the United States.

RX-SiN4 is a long-effective antibacterial, sterilization and deodorant agent.

Silicon organic quaternary ammonium salt RX-SiN4 (trimethoxysilyl, and its hydrolysate trihydroxy quaternary ammonium salt) is a chemical substance that can be used in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA.) of the United States.

It is not irritating or sensitizing to the skin.

It can be widely used in textiles.

Long-effective antibacterial, sterilization and deodorant agent, Silicone organic quaternary ammonium salt RX-SiN4,  for antibacterial, sterilization and deodorant which home hygiene, epidemic prevention and health care are applicable


Silicone organic quaternary ammonium salt RX-SiN4 is a chemical substance that can be used in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA.) of the United States.


If the body sweat is added with bacteria which will cause the body, clothes and socks to be odorous.

The cause of odors is bacteria because sweat gland secretion itself is odorless. Sweat from the underarms and groin can easily cause body odor. The underarm of the human body is one of the most consistent warm areas on the surface of the human body. The sweat glands are easy to provide water. Odor is caused by the biological conversion of odorless secretions into volatile odorous molecules by microorganisms. The stench comes from bacteria which break down one of the two types of sweat on the skin until its organic components are fermented by bacteria that multiply in a humid environment. 21% of the microorganisms in the armpits are from the Staphylococcus family, and the rest are other types of bacteria. The fundamental way to reject the odor of sweat is to eliminate bacteria and inhibit the growth of bacteria. Stop the odor before it is produced, and there will be no odor naturally. The deodorant has a certain antibacterial effect and can prevent the odor before it is produced. A satisfactory deodorant product can prevent the growth and activity of degrading apocrine secreting bacteria such as Staphylococcus epidermidis and Corynebacterium. In most deodorant products, antibacterial agents such as quaternary ammonium salt compounds that are not irritating or sensitizing to the skin are used.

Silicon organic quaternary ammonium salt RX-SiN4 (trimethoxysilyl, and its hydrolysate trihydroxy quaternary ammonium salt) is a chemical substance that can be used in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA.) of the United States. It is a high-performance anti-bacterial and anti-mold preparation.

It can be widely used in textiles (such as materials for human bedding, footwear, clothing/apparel, upholstery, diapers and carpets), canvas, rope, fire hose fiber, and upholstery. In addition, it can also be used as a material preservative in coatings, paint (canned) and concrete production, roofing materials, filter media, polyurethane foam and cellulose products, and cleaning buffers. Silicon organic quaternary ammonium salt RX-SiN4 is hydrolyzed and properly reacted to form a nano film attached to the surface to become a long-acting trihydroxy quaternary ammonium salt protective film, which can eliminate bacteria for a long time and inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is a long-effective disinfection, sterilization and deodorization Agent.

Product name: long-effective antibacterial, sterilization and deodorant agent




  1. 長期持續有效。
  2. 輕度且無刺激性-不含酒精,不含氯,不含化學色素。
  3. 易於攜帶—精美的噴霧瓶包裝,出門在外或在家時都可以隨身攜帶,並且隨時隨地使用都很方便。
  4. Multi-purpose — “antibacterial” , “sterilization” and deodorant which home hygiene, epidemic prevention and health care are applicable, such as bedding, footwear, clothing, household items, masks, diapers, carpets, etc..
  5. 抗菌功效> 99.9%-通過SGS實驗驗證,“大腸桿菌”,“銅綠假單胞菌”,“白色念珠菌”和“金黃色葡萄球菌”亞種。 金黃色葡萄球菌的抗菌率超過99.9%。 它對家庭保健是安全有效的,成人和兒童均可使用。


  1. 根據美國聯邦食品,藥品和化妝品法案(FFDCA。)為可以使用的化學品。
