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Ultimate Advertising Solution: V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board


終極廣告解決方案:V 型槽 MDF 鼓板:利用 V 型槽 MDF 鼓板釋放廣告創意自由


flexible wood slats MDF tambour board

Wood kinds:   MDF board

尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


slat V-grooved:   13 mm width

Structure:  Top Layer MDF board with Bottom Layer ECO resin reinforced non-woven fabric backing or kraft paper


Origin:    Made in Taiwan

Are you ready to revolutionize your advertising game? The V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board is not just an advertising board; it’s a dynamic and innovative canvas that empowers your brand to make a lasting impression. Unleash your creativity with this game-changing solution that combines the timeless elegance of wood with modern versatility.


Unlimited Creative Possibilities: The V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board is a masterpiece of design and functionality. Its meticulously crafted V-grooves add depth, texture, and movement to your visuals, ensuring that your advertising messages captivate and engage. Imagine the impact of your graphics, images, and logos coming to life with a dynamic interplay of light and shadow.

Double-Sided Impact: Print your messaging on both the top wood veneer surface and the eco-resin reinforced non-woven fabric backing, doubling your advertising impact. This versatile board offers a unique advantage: the ability to laminate advertising paper onto its surface or print directly onto the wood or fabric. This innovation ensures that you can effortlessly update your displays, swap out advertising materials, or refresh your branding without wasting materials.

Flexibility Redefined: The V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board is not just visually stunning; it’s also incredibly flexible. Roll it up and transport it with ease, transforming your advertising displays into portable, attention-grabbing tools. No longer bound by the limitations of traditional signage, you can effortlessly adapt to different spaces and events.

Weather-Resistant Endurance: Constructed with durability in mind, the MDF core provides stability and strength while the wood veneer maintains its natural allure. Whether facing the elements outdoors or adorning indoor spaces, your advertising messages remain vibrant and impactful, ensuring that your brand leaves an indelible mark.

Eco-Conscious Craftsmanship: In line with our commitment to sustainability, the V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board incorporates eco-resin reinforced non-woven fabric backing. This eco-friendly choice enhances resilience while the natural wood veneer exudes timeless elegance, allowing you to advertise with both style and a conscience.

Limitless Applications: The V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board’s applications are boundless. Beyond advertising boards, this versatile solution transforms into rollable menus, decorative screens, stylish door mats, and so much more. The ease of cutting and re-compositing lets your imagination run wild, creating unique shapes and sizes to suit your vision.

Revolutionize Your Advertising: Experience the future of advertising with the V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board. The combination of innovation, flexibility, and sustainability allows you to create captivating, versatile, and impactful advertising displays that demand attention and leave a lasting impression.

Elevate your advertising campaigns with the V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board. Contact us today to explore the limitless possibilities of captivating, flexible, and eco-friendly advertising displays.

Dynamic Visual Impact: V型槽MDF嵌板重新定義了您呈現廣告訊息的方式。其精心製作的V形槽創造了令人陶醉的光影交錯,增添了深度和紋理,使您的圖形生動起來。通過引人入勝的動態視覺效果提升品牌存在感,吸引並參與您的觀眾。

Curved Creations Made Effortless: V型槽MDF嵌板將柔韌性置於中心舞台。它獨特的彎曲和適應曲線牆壁或圓柱的能力,讓您可以將任何空間轉化為引人入勝的視覺體驗。想像一下,您的廣告優雅地包裹在彎曲的表面上,創造出身臨其境且難以忘懷的互動體驗。

無限的設計可能性: 從產品促銷到活動公告,V型槽MDF嵌板提供無限的設計可能性。板材的輕巧和柔韌性使其成為彎曲安裝的理想選擇,為創新和引人注目的展示敞開了大門,留下深刻的印象。

Easy Installation, Lasting Impact: V型槽MDF嵌板考量到便利性,因此輕巧且易於安裝。其布料背板提供了一個安全的表面,適用於黏合劑或簡單的氣釘,確保了無麻煩的安裝過程。輕鬆在彎曲的牆壁或圓形柱上創建引人注目的展示,知道您的廣告信息將經得起時間的考驗。

Eco-Conscious Excellence: 致力於可持續發展,V型槽MDF嵌板採用生態樹脂強化的非織造布背襯。這種選擇環保在保持關心的特性的同時,為嵌板增強了強度和彈性。選擇這種既增強品牌形象又符合環保價值觀的解決方案。

Versatility Unleashed: V型槽MDF嵌板的適應性不僅限於廣告板。將其轉變為曲線牆板、藝術裝置或迷人的圓柱包覆,以獨特且難以忘懷的方式展示您的品牌。讓您的想像力奔放,將任何空間變成創意的畫布。

Elevate Your Advertising with V-Grooved MDF Tambour Board: 利用V型槽MDF嵌板體驗廣告的未來。其靈活、創新設計和動態視覺效果使您能夠在任何環境中打造突出的廣告展示。今天與我們聯繫,探索有趣、靈活和環保的廣告展示無限可能性。